Sorry guys!

Feb 16, 2013 11:40

I know it seems like I'm totally blowing my resolution to post more often but I promise I'm not! I only just got my internet back on Thursday, guys, that's why I haven't been posting. I was leeching off someone else's wifi but it was really unreliable so I mostly couldn't do much at all. But it's all better now!

Yeah I'm feeling pretty accomplished. I took out a student loan since my mom still hasn't been able to find a job and, you know, the rent and bills need to be paid. I've got most of the bills paid off and even paid my mom's car insurance. Just need to pay the cell phone bill and I'm pretty sure we're all caught up.

I bought a new vacuum cleaner and a stick vac, new cages for Zinger and Kibum, friends for Zinger and Kibum (Ha Ni & Minam; I think most of you will get where those names come from *lol*), a new desk that still needs to be put together, a new couch that is glorious, artwork for the upstairs bathroom and for right by the front door, new runners for the living room, a bunch of new clothes for me and my mom (thrift store shopping sprees ftw!), and... I think that's it. I don't remember if I paid for the new tire or if my mom did. Oh! And a Wii. I bought a Wii. ^__^

It just occurred to me: Did I ever post about getting Zinger and Kibum in the first place? My god I have really neglected Livejournal and my friends here. I feel awful. :(

Okay, so if I say anything that makes no sense to you feel free to ask for an explanation. *lol*

So... let's see... I do still have a few things to buy before I'm done. I need to get another desk chair for one and a bookcase. I'm also getting a lap top stand and a t.v. for my room because I'm moving my big comfy chair up there. I miss sitting in it. It's just sitting in a corner in the living room with a bunch of books and crap piled on it. *lol* I'm also going to get a new iPod and probably give my current one to my mom. 8GB (which is really only like 6 and some change) just doesn't cut it. I'm sick of having to pick and choose what songs or artists get to be on my iPod and then I get the urge to listen to someone and awww too bad for me 'cause I had to take them off to make room for something else. @_@

I'm currently debating whether to buy a Galaxy Note, an XBox, or a treadmill. They'd all be in about the same price range but I'm only allowing myself one of them. Or none of them if I can't decide.

I'm also considering a trip to Germany this summer to visit kohoho and doobob. I'm waiting to find out what would be the best time for me to come and hoping I find out soon enough so that the plane ticket won't be too expensive for me to get. But I'm excited about the possibility. I've never been out of the country before and I've always wanted to visit Germany and Fishie promised that they would take me to Worms so I can see where my grandmother grew up. ^_^ A part of me kinda hopes we could hop on a train and go into France, maybe Austria. I mean, hell, if we go to Worms that's just across the Rhine from France! Easy peasy! hahaha

Well, we shall see.

Anyhow, this post is getting ridonk long so I'll talk about school later.
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