Jun 18, 2012 16:13
Speaking in terms of race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender, etc. which do you feel is more important to teach children, TOLERANCE or ACCEPTANCE?
Would you rather be tolerated for who you are or accepted for who you are?
Do you feel that "tolerance" carries with it a sense of reluctance to do so; a sense of obligation rather than desire to understand or relate?
Place yourself in this scenario:
"I'll tolerate that you're gay because you're my son and I'm supposed to love you."
"I accept that you're gay because you're my son and I love you unconditionally."
Which would you rather hear? Which would make you feel secure and loved? Which would be disappointing and hurtful?
I posit that we should be teaching children to ACCEPT others DESPITE their differences, not to TOLERATE others IN SPITE OF their differences.
What's your opinion?