May 01, 2009 22:16
What was your first word as a child?
I dont know. I asked my mom ... she doesnt know either. Psht!
What's the weirdest dare you've ever taken?
I never had any weird dares. I havent played truth or dare since I was like 9 or 10. It was always stupid stuff like to kiss someone else lol
What are you allergic to?
Baby Oil ... or something thats in Baby Oil maybe. All I know is the stuff makes me really itchy
What was the last name of the person you first kissed?
Murphy. I was 8 or 9 ... it was one of those stupid dares. But I had the biggest crush on him hehe
Have you ever REALLY cried from happiness? What was the situation?
When my sister Grace was born. I was in the room and it was just very over whelming, hearing that first cry and seeing her for the first time.
When I got accepted for my Disney Program. I was beyond excited.
When I came back home from Disney and saw my mom and grandma and sisters after not seeing them for 6 months. Although I was also crying of sadness at the same time cause I was missing Disney and my friends already lol