Probation: Day Uno

Mar 29, 2005 16:33

Probation you ask? Yes, I am officially on probation for the next 6 months. but not the hardcore probation where you have to let your porbation officer know where you are at all times. I can pretty much do what I want when I want, but I can't commit a crime or leave Nueces County without permission.

Why? Well, I'm a lame one time thief. *nods* Totally retarded, can't beleive I fucked up, I stole money from Target when I used to work for them.
So now I have 6 months probation, 24 hours community service, $500 fine, and I have to go to theft awareness school. That is so going to take up my time.

So advise to everyone, don't steal or do other stupid things. It's just gonna bite you in the ass. And if you're already stealing don't give me that "Well, I have a system! I don't get caught" crap. You WILL get caught.

Anyway, at the office today they made me take an assesment to make sure I wasn't crazy. However, the questions really insulted my intellegence with questions such as this:

Choose the best anwer:
People use a _________ to get to high places.
a.) raccoon
b.) mushroom
c.) ladder
d.) computer

I'm serious.

No joke.

Also they ask you about your drinking and drug habits. I can understand that. But like they ask you if your dad has a drinking problem but they don't ask if your mom has a drinking problem.

And so begins that not so wonderful 6months of bull shit that I have made for myself. But after I finish probation with no setbacks, I'll have a clean record. *sigh* So kiddies, take a lesson from me. Don't waste you fucking time on petty shit.
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