Apr 24, 2007 01:53
So its been about a week, I'm half-healed in some places, but still pretty deformed from Magneto jr's little stunt last week. I dunno, I guess I can't blame her, and she did leave me a little get-well-spliff last week, but still: I'm hurting pretty bad.
I think i'm going kind of crazy, Logan's let me off without DR sessions and classes until Foley gets back, but only because I told him just how many piercings I had and where they were quite painfully removed from. Talk about embarrassing. I think he's just happy because it means he doesn't have to be reminded of our little talk every time he sees me.
On the one hand, it's what I want--I can't hack people looking sick every time they see me--but on the other, I've been really wired. All I have to do is listen to music, but I have no way to burn off the energy, really. I feel shaky and...unstable. I'm strung out like a junkie, it scares me. I don't like feeling this out of control.
I wish I had someone I could talk to about it. Guess it's dear diary to the rescue, yet again.