Nov 15, 2005 15:43
1. Given a homeless person anything? yes
2. Spent more than $500 on a gf's or bf's gift or a night out? yes he sucked me for all that i was worth
3. Had sex with more than one person in a day? yess
5. Dated two people at once? yes
6. Actually met someone from myspace that you didn't know before? yeah alot of people
7. Ever gave/received oral sex while driving? yes
8. Ever had a one night stand? yeah 3
9. Took someone's virginity when you weren't a virgin? yeah and i just found it out too
10. Hooked up with someone from a different race? yes
11. Ran around naked outside? lol half naked
12. Most times IN a day you had sex? 4
13. Have you ever mooned a stranger? no
14. Dated someone you didn't want your friends to meet? yess
15. Got your stomach pumped, from alcohol poisoning? nope
16. Threw up from alcohol? no
17. Been suspended from school? nope
18. Tongue Kissed someone of the same sex? yes
19. Gone Commando? yup
20. Let a girl paint your toenails? yeah
21. Met someone famous? yes chris carraba, jane goodall
22. Saved someone's life? not directly, but yes
23. Seen someone die? no
24. Killed someone? no
25. Been in a physical fight? yes, i should have fought back
26. Hooked up with someone 10 yrs older/younger than you? nope, it was only 5
27. Been arrested? nope
28. Spent the night in jail? nope
29. Been in more than 3 car accidents in a year? nope
30. Had sex outside? yess... good times
31. Kissed more than one person on the same day? yeah
32. Had sex in your house when your parents were home? yes
33. Had phone sex? yup
34. Been turned off by someone's personal hygiene? yup
35. Told someone you loved them when you didn't? yeah
36. Had sex somewhere in your high school? not sex but messed around
37. Been in a porn shop? yeah
38. Had a threesome? yeah
39. Spent more than one night in a hospital? yeah
40. ODed on a drug? nope
41. What's your weakness? mexican
42.Would you date a Ex gf/bf again (round 2)?
Have you ever...
Smoked a joint?: yeah
Stayed up all night?: too many
Cussed in from of your parents?: too much
Hurt the feelings of someone you loved?: not as much as they hurt me
Had your feelings hurt by someone you loved?: many times
Failed a class?: no but was too close
Been really really scared?: yea
Had to face a phobia?: yes..
Cried in public?: this week way to many times
Thrown up at school?: no
Been kicked out of the store?: very close
Been in a car wreck?: no
Dumped someone?: yes
Been dumped?: accually no
Had a one-night-stand?: yes 2
Kissed and told?: once
Cussed in a Churst (or some other religious structure)?: oh *** damnit
Beaten someone up?: does jake count?
Been beaten up?: not bleeding but yeah
Broken a bone?: nope
Lied to someone you loved?: a few times
Stolen from a friend?: no
Eaten an entire gallon of ice cream in one day?: no i would die
Gotten an award?: yaeh
Told a joke no one thought was funny?: many timess
Laughed so hard you cried?: yes, just a few days ago, jakes fault for the laughing
Cried so hard you laughed?: yes
Been to the opera?: yep
Fallen asleep in class?: many time
Been cheated on by your boyfriend/girlfriend?: sick yes
Cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend?: yess
Been in love?: yes
Gone out with someone who was married?: slept with
Gone out with someone a lot older than you?: yes he was 26
Been stood up on a date?: yes
Looked horrible in a yearbook picture?: yesss
Done something life-threatening?: yes
Cut school?: only once so far
Bought a lottery ticket?: no
Cheated on a test?: yes
Can you...
Swim?: yep
Ride a bike?: yep
Draw?: yep
Sing?: not well
Dance?: yeah
Skateboard?: hahahaha come on now
Speak a second language?: it all came back to me in juarez
Play an instument?: i played the trombone in 6th grade bc i liked the other boy who played in our class... but as of now i play the penis *cough* jake *cough*
Recite the Gettysburg Address?: um not interested
Label all fifty states?: on my best day no, i could try tho
Name all the US presidents in the order they served?: only the first maybe 10
Read Tarot Cards, runes, palms, and/or, tea leaves?: oohh i would love to though
Cook?: jake says i cant but i have never cooked him anything special yet so he doesnt know what hes talking about
Whistle?: not very good
Snap?: yeah
Cross your eyes?: lol yeah
Touch your nose with you tongue?: almost there
Balance a book on your head?: kinda
Sew?: yeah
Recite the ABCs backwards without pausing?: uh no i wouldnt pass the "are you drunk test"
If given the opportunity, would you...
Kill someone you hate?: make love not war
Have sex with someone really really really hot?: yeah why not.. all night baby
Star in a movie?: hell yeah
Be on the cheerleading squad/football team?: football team, not into the peppy stuff
Become the king/queen of a coutry?: i could make alot of changes
Steal something you wanted?: if there was no chance of getting caught
Cheat on a lover?: for surivial, not saying i havent
Let someone cheat on their lover with you?: ummmm.... yeah its happend quite a few times
Experiment with someone the same sex as you?: hell yeah
Live the life of someone else?: if i could take my own back, but if not i would stick with my own
Sell your soul to the devil in exchange for something you really want?: um, no
Go back in time and change something from happening?: a few things i would
Go to the moon?: yes!
Run for president?: maybe if everyone wasnt so corrupt
Pick one
Coke or Pepsi?: diet coke
Cats or dogs?: dogs
Really smart or really hot?: a bit of both
Really successful or really popular?: successful
Really rich or really famous?: nither
Smart and depressed or stupid and happy?: stupid and happy
Summer or winter?: winter
Spring or fall?: fall
Hot or cold?: cool
Love or lust?: the disiar of lust and the passion of love
Chocolate or vanilla?: vanilla
Skateboarding or surfing?: surfing
Which of your friends is the most...
Friendly?: andrea
Loud?: missy
Timid?: jacque
Talkative?: alsion
Annoying?: missy
Hot?: ryan
Tall?: jake
Short?: no one is shorter then me...
Smart?: andrea
Crazy?: kelly
Funny?: tiffany
Who/When/What's the last...
Person you talked to on the phone?: my dad
Song you listened to?: Christmad tunes
CD you listened to?: our lady peace
Movie you watched?: king kong (i cried the whole time)
Book you read?: crank (for like the 4th time)
Thing you ate?: skittles
Thing you bought?: jakes christmas present
Time you cried?: today
Time you laughed?: about 2 mins ago
Been scared?: saturday
Kissed someone?: about 2 mins ago when jake left
Told someone you love them?: same as before
Prayed?: last night
Hugged someone?: jake 2 mins ago lol