2009 Year in Review... Fic List

Dec 31, 2009 22:32

Here we are again. The end of another year and its time to see what I've accomplished. lol

Harry Potter Fics
Not Yet - (Oliver Wood/Cedric Diggory) Oliver is injured in his last professional Quidditch match and sees a glimpse of what is to come. This was prompted by the lovely nanaeanaven. (636 words)

Decorations - (Oliver Wood/Cedric Diggory) Cedric goes to visit Oliver over the Christmas break, and brings some Christmas cheer with him. Writter for leonhart29 as a gift fic. (736 words)

Original Character Fics
Never Shall we Die - based on the Marvel 1602 universe. I've been neglecting this one, but I did get a chapter up this year. I'm really hoping to figure out where this is going so I can continue it. (4114 words>

My iPod Rules My Sues (Round 1) - A collection of drabbles based on songs that my iPod spit out at me. They are all centered on either the Mutant Sues or the Original Harry Potter Sues. Of this bunch, I'm pretty sure either Rehab or One of the Boys is my favorite. (3108 words)

Wined and Dined - A muse Cruise Log - My continued adventures on the SS Muse... well, I've been getting into trouble of course, picking up a few more muses, there are several new chapters to have had this year. Though I did hit a minor bump and there's a long stretch in there without an update, but still! lol Chapters 23 thru 30 are the product of this year. (27,038 words)

The Mary Sue Virus - Oh god, this is just embarassing, but I only got one chapter of this done this year. I am so sorry guys. The Malfoys don't want to play with me apparently. My New Years Resolution this coming year is to get this fic done. I hope I can keep it. (1256 words)

Mutant Sue Virus Fics
Invasion: MSV - (Haley/Piotr, Haley/Johnny) It was with something of a heavy heart this year that I actually completed this fic. I put it off as long as I could, but I finally reached the end. Chapters 25 thru 32 (the epilogue) were written this year. It is however nice to know that I can actually finish something. (20,279 words)

Club - a Mutant Sue drabble fic. The girls and their significant others out on the town for a night off from the whole superhero thing. Just a fun bit of fluff and a glimpse at the different relationships the girls have found themselves in. This is set Post-Invasion, so... yeah. (2422 words)

My iPod Rules My Sues (Round 2 - the Haley edition) - Another collection of drabbles, this time centering on my Mutant Sue, Haley at different points in her life. I still can't believe the iPod of Evil cranked out Johnny Angel for this one. *sigh* (2415 words)

Dearly Beloved - (Jamie/Haley, shades of Johnny/Haley, and Jamie/Theresa) Jamie considers how his relationship with Haley changed over the years while he waits for her wedding to start. Written as a prompt fic for ginevrasm. (2129 words)

Near Miss - (Clint/Haley) Professor X sends the girls into the city to pick something up... Haley does. LOL This is set at some point between the Mutant Sue Virus and Invasion. Its kind of nebulous timeline wise, but... its in there somewhere. LOL (6702 words)

The Last Time - (Johnny/Haley) Haley lets Johnny know that they have another bundle of joy on the way. This is pure fluff, I fully admit it. lol (301 words)

Letters Home (Morgan/???, Dare/???, Haley/Clint, Roxxy/Bobby, Jehnna/Peter) This is an AU of the Mutant Sue Virus, set during World War II and in which there are no powers. That's right, everyone's just a normal person here. There are four chapters so far, and I have much more plotted out for our heroes and heroines, so hopefully this year will see that come out. (10,767 words)

Supervillainess Inc. Fics
Do You Feel a Chill? - Kiera's origins and how the whole SV HQ thing started. All her reasons for revenge and hatred are all laid out here. (2332 words)

Supervillainess HQ - Ah, the round robin adventures of five supervillainesses, and their toys... err... captives... err... heroes? lol I've contributed a few entries to this little experiment this year. In fact, my own SV sue, Kiera, has been a very busy girl! (23,917 words)

Worth the Risk - (Clint/Kiera, shades of Clint/Kiera/Johnny) Kiera runs into Clint months after the heroes have been released/freed from the SV island and he has a few things he'd like to talk to her about. heheheh... I love Kiera. LOL (3630 words)

Caught - (Clint/Kiera/Johnny) The guys find out that when Kiera said she'd stop the whole supervillainess thing, she didn't actually mean it. (4529 words)

Girl Talk - (Kiera, Mystery) The girls reflect on the events of Caught and ladydeathfaerie's Revelations. (765 words)

The Marvel Universe
Relax - (Tony/Carol) Carol gets a birthday surprise. This was written for pensive1 for her birthday. But, me? Meet a deadline? lol NEVER! ;) (1104 words)

Arrangement - (Doom/Emma Frost) Emma finds herself in a compromising position. Written for pensive1 because the world needs more Doom. (1219 words)

Avengers Forever - (Bobbi Morse-Barton) This is set in the Ruins-verse, so... its very very dark. There is character death all over the place, violence... its dark. You've been warned. (647 words)

Chance (Wanda Maximoff/Clint Barton/Pietro Maximff) This one is set in the Ultimate Universe, and it was my first step into fic in that universe. It was also the first time I wrote this particular threeway, which is now, apparently my cross to bear. ;) Also, it was written for the marvel_kink meme. (844 words)

Not Real - (one sided Ben/Johnny) This was based on a moment in Dark Wolverine #76 that my brain just would not let go of. Poor Ben. *hugs him* (1105 words)

Feeling - (Johnny/Peter) Johnny thinks the FF are going to get rid of him, Peter shows him that someone still wants him around. Written for the marvel_kink meme. (1595 words)

The Voice of Reason - (Wanda Maximoff) This was written for the heroines_fest here on LJ. This is a glimpse into Wanda's mindset right before Disassembled I really hope strawberispring got what she wanted from me with this one. ;) (1050 words)

Never Alone - (Reed/Sue, Namor/Sue) Also written for the heroines_fest for redeem147. Sue reflects on her dissatisfaction in her relationship with her husband and how things could have been different with someone else. (984 words)

Minute Detail - (Wanda/Clint/Pietro) Pietro walks in on Clint and Wanda and can't stop thinking about joining them. This... honestly, this kicked my ass. lol I nitpicked and never thought it was good enough, but... well, apparently it turned out alright. lol strawberispring gave me the original prompt for this and it took me forever to get it done. (3123 words)

What You Want - (Peter Parker/Bobby Drake/Jean Paul Beaubier, Clint Barton/Peter Parker, Johnny Storm/Peter Parker) Written for the marvel_kink meme. The prompt was basically, Peter looking for love after BND made him gay (instead of just a douche). He does find it eventually. ;) (3701 words)

Gingerbread - (Kitty/Piotr) This was written for ginevrasm as a holiday gift fic. Piotr gets wrangled into helping the younger X-students with their Christmas project, Kitty enters... cuteness insues. (487 words)

Exiles Assemble! Jan's World - (Janet Van Dyne, Hank Pym, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff) So, strawberispring and I were talking about how mutant heavy the Exiles titles were, and we decided it would be cool to do something with the stand by, usual line up of AVengers, but all from different realities. This is a glimpse into where our Exiles!Jan comes from, and how she became an Exile. Its so very dark, guys, seriously. Read the warnings before you get too into this. We stole their souls. *tear* (2493 words)

Difference in Technique - (Doom, Loki) Written as a gift fic for samuraiter. A drabble about what Doom wants and what Loki's willing to put up with. lol (148 words)

Look Up - (Johnny/Peter) Johnny sets up a small Christmas surprise for Peter. Written for old_blueeyes as a gift fic. Its kind of adorable and I kind of love it. (469 words)

Time - (Carol Danvers/Stephen Strange) Written for pensive1 as a gift fic. Stephen shows up on Carol's doorstep with some time on his hands and an idea on how to spend that time. (914 words)

Christmas Wishes - (Clint/Wanda/Pietro) Written for nanaeanaven as a gift fic. The three of them spend some time alone in front of the Christmas treat, granting wishes. *sigh* I'm going to have to keep writing the three of them, aren't I? *sigh* (1470 words)

Random Fics
Surprise (Push) - (Nick/Cassie, eventually) - The Division find Nick and Cassie on the night of her 18th birthday. I really need to go back and write for this fandom again... (1619 words)

I also have several things I haven't posted yet for continuity sake, two fics for ladydeathfaerie's House of the Rising Sun universe (an Anita Blake/Marvel U mash-up) (12,025 words total), a few things for the eventual MSV: Goddess fic (5791 words total), and five fics relating to ladydeathfaerie's Flight of the Valkyrie (9970 words total). They will get posted eventually, when continuity permits. And there's the crapload of WIPs that I have floating around my hard drive, but this is pretty much it for the year.

So, the grand total of my work for 2009? A total of 167,834 words. That's roughly 13,986 words a month, 3228 words a week or 460 words a day. Its down considerably from last year, but I didn't have the driving force of daily prompts behind me this year, so I'm pretty darn pleased with myself. lol

fan fiction, fandom: push, title: supervillainess inc (fic), fandom: marvel, title: mary sue virus (fic), writing: end of year fic round-up, fandom: harry potter, title: mutant sue virus (fic), title: muse cruise (fic)

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