If you leave a comment on this post, I will give you five subjects with which I associate you. You may then take those five subjects, post this meme in your LJ, and elaborate on what you have posted. (Participation, as always, is optional.)
samuraiter gave me this batch...
Fantastic Four - The other half of my original fandom... yes, I started writing fan fic for the X-Men, but the first comic I ever bought with my own hard earned allowance money was Fantastic Four #347. Yes I remember it... of course, it was during that whole "Everyone is dead" thing, so maybe its not the best example... hmm... but even before I started buying, I was sifting through my cousins collections. Anyway, I was hooked young. Very young. lol And I'm a second gen FF fan. That's right. Dad loves 'em too. I can't count the number of Ben vs. Johnny conversations that have floated around the dinner table. I'm working on the next generation too... did I mention that the munchkin can say "Torch" already? ;) LOL Of course I gave up on the whole Marvel U after the misery Onslaught caused me, but recently, I came back... and guess what? I still love 'em! *huggles the four* Well... all except Reed... but that's another rant all together. ;)
Harry Potter - Love the books. Love the movies. While I haven't been ficcing nearly as much there lately (well... since my Marvel muses came back in full force), I still love the characters and the world. *shrug*
MSV - *chuckle* Does it qualify as its own genre yet? No? Soon? lol It all started with a conversation about what would happen if a bunch of fangirls were in Snape's potions class. Then I started a fic about it and it morphed into the Mary Sue Virus... a strange pathigen that sucks unsuspecting fangirls into unprepared universes. Its already infected the Harry Potter Universe, the Marvel U (twice, actually... there are the Mutant Sues, and the Super Villianesses), the Anita Blake universe, the Final Fantasy (I can't remember which one... sorry Leon!) world, and I believe Sam's still letting his venture marinate. ;) No fandom is safe... no hot character will go untouched! LOL
Its actually a very freeing experience working on something that is so blatantly self satisfying. lol I mean, if anyone starts in on the whole "Oh my god, your OFCs are so Mary Sues!!!" I can simply counter with "well... yeah. Didn't you see the title? They're fucking supposed to be! :P" lol
Secret Wars - Great story (the first time out) despite some strange shit going on there... (want the full version of my rant on this? go
HERE) Add in the fact that there is one lucky alien chick in an odd little love triange thingie... its fun! :D That and DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!! *evil laughter*
X-Men - This is the fandom that started me ficcing, folks. My first fic was Remy/Rogue. It can not be found anywhere but my harddrive now because... yeeesh. But this is where it started. And before there was fic, there were more comics than I really want to admit to. lol And the cartoon. Oh, the wonders of the 90s cartoon! *sigh* Now, I'm not collecting much in the way of the comics anymore (just Astonishing) mainly because bad writing and character assassination got the better of my "It'll get better" mantra (lets not speak of Bizarre Love Triangle or Blood of Apocalypse... I'll cry... seriously.)But my love for the characters is still there. :) Here's hoping that at some point in the future, they'll fix the mess. (and I miss Joss Whedon... seriously. Can he come back and take over the entire X-corner of the Marvel U?? That'd be great.)