Five Acts Meme

Nov 28, 2012 02:26

Five Acts Kink Meme

How does it work?

+ Post a list of your five favorite acts/kinks to read about. Check out this list if you need some inspiration. At the bottom of your post, add what fandoms/pairings you're interested in.
+ Read other people's lists; the master list of lists is here.
+ Post comment-fic based off of other people's interests.

Once you've posted your list, post a comment (in the provided format) with a link to your post HERE.

My List:

~ Claiming or establishing ownership (private or public; by gesture, word, or ritual; with sex; with a collar or by biting/leaving marks)
~ Discipline or punishment
~ Sex Pollen/Aliens-Made-Them-Do-It/Fuck or die scenarios.
~ Group Sex/Threesomes/Moresomes
~ Humiliation (name-calling, power imbalance, physically putting someone on their knees, ALL CONSENSUAL)

My Fandoms/Ships:

Avengers (2012)/MCU:
Phil Coulson/Nick Fury(/Clint Barton)
Phil Coulson/Clint Barton
Phil Coulson/Pepper Potts
Phil Coulson/Natasha Romanov(/Clint Barton)
Natasha Romanov/Maria Hill(/Pepper Potts)
James "Rhodey" Rhodes/Tony Stark
Maria Hill/Phil Coulson

Marvel Comics:
Johnny Storm/Peter Parker
Johnny Storm/Lyja(/Peter Parker)
Ben Grimm/Johnny Storm
Carol Danvers/Tony Stark
Carol Danvers/Wanda Maximoff
Clint Barton/Hank Pym
Clint Barton/Pietro Maximoff
Clint Barton/Bobbi Morse
Bobbi Morse/Natasha Romanov(/Clint Barton and/or /Bucky Barnes)
Clint Barton/Steve Rogers
Wanda Maximoff/Vision
Marcus "Nick Fury Jr." Johnson/Phil Coulson
Bobbi Morse/Phil Coulson (either here or movieverse, I don't care!)

Fics Given:
Just This Once (Pepper/Phil) for ozmissage

Fics Recieved:
Fury/Coulson/Barton - claiming/punishment/humiliation/threesome by cashay

challenge: five acts, fan fiction, character: hank pym/ant man/giant man, character: james bucky barnes, fandom: comics, fandom: marvel, character: clint barton/hawkeye/ronin, fandom: marvel movies, character: vision, character: steve rogers/captain america, character: natasha romanova/black widow, fandom, character: bobbi morse/mockingbird, character: pietro maximoff/quicksilver, character: ben grimm/thing, character: nick fury, fandom: fantastic four, character: tony stark/iron man, character: johnny storm/human torch, character: wanda maximoff/scarlet witch, fandom: avengers, character: phil coulson, character: carol danvers/ms. marvel, fanfic: prompt, fanfic: request, character: lyja the lazerfist

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