Apparently so. Actually, I found the question to be a little insulting. I mean, you wouldn't put something like "Do you like asians?" on a meme like this. That would be insulting. But then, its okay to rag on us, right? *eye roll*
#9 - My biological father can't wear watches either. I vaguely remember some old wives tale that states something to effect that if you stop a watch you're supposed to be good with babies. From what I seen of him with various babies over the years, I'm sure it must be true. If you hand him a screaming baby, it stops crying almost immediately. Very weird that.
Comments 7
I just figured it was my magnetic personality! ;) LOL
sadly, i haven't gotten to this yet. but i'm working on it. got caught up with working for my badge.
No worries hun. I shouldn't have even tried, but... brain not doing what I want it to, so... MEME! lol
ugh. sleepy brain. sleepy... zzzzzzz
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