Fic: "100 Days" [Glee, Kurt/Blaine, 10.4/10]

Feb 19, 2014 21:05

Title: 100 Days
Author: dazzlebug
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Kurt and Blaine have been best friends (and nothing more) since the age of six. Now college graduates, they take a roadtrip around the USA, visiting every state in 100 days. Fifty states. Two boys. One love story.
Disclaimer: I paint the pictures; I just borrow the names ( Read more... )

fic: glee, #100 days

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mander3_swish February 19 2014, 21:21:54 UTC
yay for 2nd Into the Wild mention ;)
insomnia...i'd forgotten about that movie. loved me some weird Jonathan Jackson.
okay, off to read. *skips away*

ETA: Taking a deep breath, he continued, “I wanted to be the score to your movie. That’s kind of how I’ve started to think of us lately-me the music, and you the pictures. But… Maybe I should just be a deleted scene. Maybe that’s all I was ever going to be. And if you want to leave me on the cutting room floor, then leave me there. I don’t want to chase you anymore.”

A beat of silence passed and then Kurt’s hand shot out to grab Blaine’s wrist. “I wanted to come back to you as soon as the plane took off,” he said in a near whisper, looking at him with wild, desperate eyes and tears slowly rolling down his face. “Please, B. Please tell me how to fix this, how to fix us.” DED. and a definitely welled up here.

What is it with snow and Klaine? it just a thing or what's the meta with it...I can't think of it at the moment with all the feels. But I see what you did there, Blaine having to get out of the wet and stormy Seattle and to the cold and wintry Alaska ....crap...where was I going with that thought.

Thank goodness for Blaine being so smart. (and for Kurt FINALLY seeing/understanding what their future together could be) ...and I knew Kurt would go after Blaine out into the snow, how could he not...especially since he didn't have a jacket! ;)

AWESOME use of music.


dazzlebug February 24 2014, 19:46:38 UTC
Putting them in snowy places is one of my favourite things, I can't even tell you! And you have such an eye for detail, remembering that Blaine didn't have a jacket ;)

Thank you so much!


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