Title: Snapshots
dazzlebugRating: PG-13 to NC-17 (this chapter PG-13)
Summary: August 27, 2044. They say a picture paints a thousand words... and Kurt and Blaine have a whole scrapbook.
Disclaimer: I paint the pictures; I just borrow the names.
Warnings: None.
Notes: Massive thank-yous to
xxrachiefishxx, my Alpha Beta, and
Axe, my Omega Beta. Only one chapter
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Comments 8
I loved the part with Kurt going out for breakfast, and him referring to his clothes as "reinforcements". It's a lovely touch, and a nice moment of meta on Kurt and his clothes.
But, this is wonderful. Excited to see the last chapter. What an achievement for you, writing this. Finishing this. Surely, it's one of the largest fics in the fandom (that I've read, anyway) and I'm glad I've been along for the ride.
Alright, alright, I'll try not to spew the compliments too much in this comment, I'll leave that for tomorrow, alright?
Excellent work. <3
Thank you so much, for everything. Here goes...
I wonder though if I've ever told you how well you write New York moments? I remember our walk through Cobble Hill in November, me hobbling along, you with your wide eyes and Starbucks coffee. You get it, you really get it. You understand that New York is more than just a place, and you capture the power and personality of the city beautifully.
Have I told you that yet?
I aaalmost clapped on the bus upon realizing that they're arranging new pages in this section! Almost. But. Bus. Anyway, reading.
Thursday 25 August 2044
Not extraordinarily relevant but the page down scrolling on my laptop made it an interesting trial to get straight in my mind where the first two sections were in relation to one another. XD I giggled.
Audrey and Oliver were not only both leaving home, but also leaving one another-Audrey to Sarah Lawrence in Bronxville, and Oliver to Johns Hopkins in Baltimore. They had lived in each other's pockets their whole lives, still sometimes spoke to one another in Twinglish, hadn't ever spent longer than a couple of summer camp weeks apart, and were about to find themselves on opposite ends of a phone or internet connection for the better part of their foreseeable future. While technology had grown and ( ... )
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