Gratitude Journal 2/18/2009

Feb 18, 2009 06:51

1) Being able to get through the day on only one cup of coffee. Will I do it again today? We'll see.
2) My temp recruiter, when calling me to confirm my hours for tomorrow, praised me for having a great attitude "which is always a wonderful thing in this economy." Damn, can I ever fake it well!
3) Grilling teriyaki steak last night and having it come out actually edible, if a teensy bit overcooked.
4) Catching the repeat of POM on Last Call on Monday night. Bonus: actually managed to get out of bed on time despite this being at almost 2am. (See #1)
5) Doing a major killer mix whilst practicing on Traktor last night (then somehow the damn program crashed not long afterward, but let's focus on the good stuff, shall we)

dj stuff, mixing, gratitude journal, work, meme

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