
Sep 29, 2007 05:35

Let me get this straight...

The Mets have been in first place since May. Were 7 1/2 games up about two weeks ago. Suddenly, not only have they choked, but did it practically to the point where they just may have pulled off the worst slide in MLB history.

Good going, you fucktards.

The worst thing about this is Yankee fans will now have that much more ammunition the next time they start bleating. Which, knowing Yankee fans, will be about four seconds after they make the playoffs.

ETA, 9:08PM: The Mets won 13-0 today--where the hell were those bats two weeks ago? No matter--the Phillies lost. Leave it to the Mets to bring it down to the wire. LET'S GO METS!!!

ETA, Sept. 30, 7:51PM: Looks like the Mets are going home. How the hell do you give up 7 runs in one inning? At least I can take comfort in hoping the Cubs kick the Phillies' ass. Also, even though I don't blame him, Willie may want to check on his unemployment benefits just in case.

new york mets

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