Election Time

Aug 09, 2007 14:52

Those observant among you may have noticed my new icon, or seen Becky's beautiful artwork around campus....

It's the UCSA elections next week, and I am running for Exec. I reckon I'd make a pretty darn good exec member- I care about helping students, I communicate well with the lecturers, and I am Not Impressed at the upcoming $4 million science department funding cuts and want to do what I can to save my College! Also, I'm concerned that they are going to screw up the BA when restructuring it.

So if you are a student, vote for WILTSHIRE next Wednesday/Thursday, and spread the word among your friends!
If you're not, then it's a little too late to enrol just to vote for me, but if you have any friends who are at uni, be sure to spread the word :p
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