There's a cure for everything!
I awoke to the sound of a car alarm this morning, which provided the perfect soundtrack to the stabbing pain and mouthfull of saliva i was experiencing. Where has this come from, i wondered? It's official: Hell has set up camp in my gut. Maybe it's punishment for lusting after Bill Murray in his Ghostbusters uniform? Who knows.
Anyway, i am not happy. I also received a soggy parcel of Jo Malone Rosemary and Lavander face tonic, too. Soggy i hear you ask? Yes, an empty bottle and a wet and soddin' bundle of scented envelope. How nice!
Not my day so far, is it? I plan to take the bull by the horns today and fill in yet another form for Stoo's surgery. They are taking new patients at last, so hopefully i will strike it lucky this time. In fact, i know i will... aways good to see the glass as being half full, isn't it?
Ach well, if all else fails, look on the bright side - i'll always have Bill ;)