Apr 19, 2007 18:51
My aunty is moving from her tiny house into a new bigger council house. Let's just say the previous tenants were not all that respectable. Gardening is hard when the previous tenants to a house did no gardening ever in the 6 or so years they lived there, plus, have no fence or wall or anything surrounding it and live right next to some big trees. The whole place was like one giant compost heap. Hard hard work I tell you. I grossed the baby out by picking up a giant earthworm and letting it crawl across my hands (I had latex gloves on, but he was still grossed out ^_^). Worms are colder than I thought they'd be.
Also, I love my boyfriend. There are very few men in this world who will actually give a girl the capacity to add fuel to a yaoi fangirling fire. He gave me a whole website... ~♥
compost heap,