Jan 16, 2006 21:28
So, Ashley and Tasha came down to milwaukee this past weekend. Tasha came down to see her boyfriend and Ashley came down to see me. Well, we ended up hanging out with this random guy from the hotel. He was 30...so, ew. And he baught us dinner which was really nice of him. But Yeah. So, we go back to the hotel and the guy at the service desk was being a little overly friendly, i mean, he was cute and all but he was 35! And then tasha makes a comment that she's the cutest one and he's like "that's debatable" and hes like "ashleys the cutest one" im like..."well, make the rest of us feel like shit" and he looks me up and down and was like "i never said anything about you yet..." im like...uh ooookay, and then tasha and brandon..oooommmmgggg. There was crying, screaming, pounding on doors. Brandon braught me into the conversation so there was a huge brawl between him and i in the main lobby about..4:00 in the morning. Ashley and i didnt get back to my house until 5:30..our initial plan was to stay there but that wasnt happening with brandon and his gay ass friends talking REALLY LOUD and had absolutely no concideration. Well, tasha breaks up with brandon...she throws the ring at his head!and then all of a sudden "i wanna talk to him" so the next day she comes over all chipper, she's going back out with this guy. i mean, total soapopera! but whatever, her mistake. She'll learn sooner or later.
AAAh, im sick and it sucks major ass. Ive had this mean ass headcold for the past 3 days and i want it gone..now! I got to see my neice and my brother this weekend. i miss kayla so much. But no matter how much i hate drama. When you lead a boring life. Drama is what makes you think that life is worth living, it gives it some excitement and you never know whats going to happen next. But..everything happens for a reason...