how about that waiter!

May 09, 2004 17:55

well now.... nothing has relee happened hence the non updates. but newho... ppl been tlking about me... as usual nothing new.... uhhh many ppl know things they prolly woulda been better off not knowing. uhhhhh melissa slept over friday - sunday ummmmm i dyed my hair..... and today is mothers day.... oo yeah and i went to melindas new house to see where billy is gunna live.... lemme tell u... she lives in the middle of nowhere.... and ive still never seen her brother but w/e. Uhhhh today we went to mothersday dinner and uhhh THE WAITER WAS DAMN SEXXI! joe nd ashley are now going out... and uhhh yeah the shower is on sunday! lolwell im done now.

*Nothing hurts my world
Just affects the ones around me
When sin's deep in my blood
You'll be the one to fall*

[x] A good friend once told me we are memory without them we equal nothing [x]
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