Sep 16, 2006 00:52
I should be given a biiiiiig plaque today.
1.) I skipped Math for the nth time. (For UP people, oo, Math 17. Yeah, it's hard, but sometimes, it's just not worth attending. Self-study = effective.)
2.) I got 2 breaks and a spare today in my PE, duck pin bowling. Hurrah!
3.) I ate lunch AND dinner at Mcdo. Golly.
4.) I had my first "inuman" within the UP Diliman area! Mwahahahaha!
5.) I got home by RIDING A BUS ON MY OWN for the first time FROM UP DILIMAN TO MAGALLANES, MAKATI at 11pm. SHET.
6.) HIGHLIGHT: I took a pee at the CBA (College of Business Administration) Parking Lot at 10pm. HAHA!!
7.) I got my first can-I-please-have-your-number-cause-I-think-you're-cute/nice/pretty from a college guy from another univ (UST, I think?). He was a friend of a friend. YIKES
8.) I suddenly blurted out, "haha, that's so highschool!". Yabaaaang. Looks like I finally feel my being a college student.
9.) I'm almost a UP SAPUL member. Almost.
Sorry, out of all I've said, I haven't gotten over peeing at the CBA parking lot. It was 10pm, we were waiting for a jeep leading to MRT to arrive, and I reaaaaally felt like peeing then and there. I was with 2 guys, Kuya KP and Kuya Grego, and with a co-app, Helen. Since I couldn't hold it in anymore, Kuya KP said, "Alam mo, maraming grass and trees sa UP for a reason." HAHA! I can't believe I really did it, I pissed at the no. 1 state university in the Philippines' parking lot. Funneh.
This UP freshie deserves an award! Don't you think? Hehehe.