Jul 16, 2006 21:09
I had a great 17th birthday. :)
I love my family, my friends and my uhh.. school! Haha.
My blockmates (esp Chuchay) are so sweet, they made these notes/letters for me, saying Happy Birthday and stuff. They were about 30, coming from not only my blockmates, but also our org handlers and some classmates from some of my classes. ONE EVEN CAME FROM MY "nothing-nothing" crush! Hahaha. They actually gave one to the guy I really like, but the guy forgot to where he put the colored paper. Oh well. They also surprised me by texting me to go to this place and hurry up because they were hungry, then when I got there running, they started singing "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" with the danDALANDANdan intro. Hahahaha! They were holding a small banana cake with a BIG lighted candle on it. HEHE! Thanks :)
The rest of the day was fine, people greeting personally or through text here and there. :) My classes were nothing special, except for German 10 where my classmates sang happy bday too :) Too bad they didn't sing it in GERMAN! Hahaha.
So, the bday bash. It was great, cause my friends were there. I won't give the details, it was just REALLY GREAT. Thanks to my co-celebrants Raisa and Marts :) HE was there. Oh yes, he came.
Again, thanks to the people who greeted me, who spent my bday with me, and who lavished me with presents. :) Check out my multi for pics, but it's for contacts only though. Hehe!