Dec 04, 2007 20:38
Well, I'm exhausted, but I finished and turned in both outstanding papers for my seminar today! I just have to do math homework and a one-page reflection before bed so I can declare myself officially DONE with school for the quarter aside from my math quarter. It's gone kind of fast, and it also seems as though we've been here forever. It's a little weird.
I cemented my winter schedule (I think), and it leaves me 11-12 every day for lunch and gets three distros out of the way. I have Accelerated Multivariable Calc 1, Classical Mythology, Law in the Political Sphere, Ethics and Sexual Politics, Guitar 1, and German Diction. Yeah. Law and mythology are supposed to be easy, and diction should be also. Guitar shouldn't be too bad. I'm planning to devote the bulk of my time to math and ethics, so I've tried to make the other distros fairly easy.
I have a sinus infection. It sucks, and it's the result of pulling too many all-nighters and staying up until 7:30 Sunday morning (11 o'clock show, then party, then random 4:00 meal in Chicago, then chatting back at the dorm . . . yeah, this is college). It's not really my style to be too wild, but it's fun once in awhile.
I must confess, I really wonder what's going on at home with musical auditions. Huh. I can't wait for this quarter to be over! Also, I'm really scared for the math final. Last class of the quarter tomorrow, thank goodness (even though we're not supposed to have classes this week).
Today is National I Think You're Cute Day, and it's been lots of fun. Andy made us all mix CD's with notes telling us why we're cute. Awww. I was supposed to be at Anne's Hannukah party tonight, but I was sick. Hopefully I'll make it to the Canterbury Christmas party tomorrow night. I only left the dorm today to go to dinner. I really need to go shower now. It'll feel good.
Choir concert on Saturday night was weird . . . I'm not totally heartbroken not to be doing it next quarter. I never sing my best in there, and I'd really like to know what asinine person decided to spray perfume everywhere. I was so busy with my nose spray I missed the beginning of the concert. Whoops. I'm such a spaz.
Shower shower hurrah! Then reflection. Then math. I hate math. I really may change majors. See the Facebook note for details.
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