Insanity is

Nov 24, 2007 02:39

my pretend schedule for winter quarter (which WILL in fact be revised).

Because I was feeling wide awake and sick of history reading, I decided to go onto CAESAR and look up music classes. I think Anne and I had some sort of strange mind jinx. In any case, Autumn was telling me that I should try to take diction and vocal solo class if I wanted to suck up to the School of Music because she knew someone who did it quite effectively last year. Also, then I would have justification for quitting NuWoCho. Following this line of thought, I went online, looked up degree requirements, and started adding all the music classes I could that are open to nonmajors and that would be helpful if I ended up in music ed. I found out that there are way more than I realized, although none of them are core classes. Also, I figure that I can use this quarter to sample some of the classes to figure out if I really want to pursue music ed. So I went to my shopping cart to figure out what I was going to with this mess and realized that, miraculously, it mostly all fit into my schedule. But then I couldn't decide what to take, and since most of them are 0- or .5-credit, so I just sort of added everything. And I dropped Classical Mythology. And I WILL be switching my English Lit class to Ethics and Sexual Politics. My schedule for next quarter has evolved strangely.

So at the moment I am registered for MENU Accelerated Multivariable Calculus, Ethics and Sexual Politics, Law in the Political Sphere, German Diction (0 credit), Vocal Solo Class (0 credit), Teaching Choral Music I (1 credit), Music Ed Practicum (0 credit; 11 quarters required for the major), and Guitar 1 (.5 credit).

I'm 90% sure I'll end up just sitting in on vocal solo class because everyone else in there will be so much better than I am, but I have it in my schedule just in case. And one of the music ed classes is going to have to go away too, probably Practicum. Otherwise, my schedule is just too insane, even though some of these classes don't meet as much as full-credit classes. But I'm going to go to the classes before I decide. It's absolutely insane how much work music classes are for so little credit. Oh well. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to take so many, and all the zero-credit classes are pass/fail. And I'm decent at German diction, and I was thinking it would be fun to learn guitar anyway a la Indigo Girls and Simon and Garfunkle. If I totally suck, Sasha can tutor me.

Thanksgiving was fun. Kevin (my cousin) is going back to Iraq for a year now though :(. Boo. At least the food was good, and I discussed German history with my grandpa and my mom's cousin, both of whom were very impressed with my quite intimate knowledge of the subject. It's pretty ridiculous that I have a B in there. Oh well. Challenge is good.

I still have 900 more page to read this weekend. Oh joy.

On the bright side, I spent some quality time Christmas shopping today with my lovely Hannah (who is almost fifteen - WEIRD), and I also found Kevin a (somewhat random) birthday gift. It's been great to see him. And now I'm exhausted, and I have to practice. Lalala.

Fashion Square mall now has a lot of fabulous new shops in including a Met museum gift shop. I found so many great gifts.

Need sleep.

<3 CE
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