Same Day...New Entry

Jan 05, 2005 15:00

Well, like I said today has been royally fucked up. Did I mention that I go out to start up my car this morning and get some much needed coffee with I realize that I have a flat tire, not only is this fucker flat, but at some point yesterdya it had gone down and I had driven on the rim for some time. FUCK! Senior ball is this weekend and I am not sure is I want to go. It is suppsed to be good I guess, but Garrick and I have had a really rough week. Though things have been going on and we really just want to lay in bed all day, and maybe do it a few times. Yay for sex. I love these journal things. I can say pretty much whatever I want. And if you don't like it all I have to say is DON'T READ IT YOU FUCKING PUSSIES. Wow I must be PMSing. Oh well. Gotta got to a meeting with my teacher. Love Ya'll.

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