Title: Razorblade Romance Author: Lindze Rating: PG for right now, stronger later Disclaimer: I own two HIM CDs and Viva La Bam Season 1 DVD, but that’s all…
I hope you do like it. I was a little scared to post it at first... and Thankies! I like it too, I actually kinda wanna do one on me somewhere... and I like your icon too!
mmm, that happened to me before, but even though they found it they had no idea what i was doing with it... they can be dense sometimes...
Actually, I use a pencil sharpener blade. But when I first did mine, i didn't have any kind of razor so I used a thumb tack... needless to say that took forever... last time I did it I used the pencil sharpener blade. and the good thing about useing that is that no one will suspect anything because of what it is so long as you put it back. Did that make any sence at all??? My brain is a bit skattered today cus I only had an hour of sleep last night...
Welcome, and btw, I love your icon, it looks like my heartagram looked after I carved it in my leg...yeah, I am a little strange but oh well...
and Thankies! I like it too, I actually kinda wanna do one on me somewhere...
and I like your icon too!
thanks, I got it when I did a quiz thinige to find out what my "kinky turn on" was. No surprise that it was blood...
and that'd be mine too *laughs* Blood is fun!
Actually, I use a pencil sharpener blade. But when I first did mine, i didn't have any kind of razor so I used a thumb tack... needless to say that took forever... last time I did it I used the pencil sharpener blade. and the good thing about useing that is that no one will suspect anything because of what it is so long as you put it back. Did that make any sence at all??? My brain is a bit skattered today cus I only had an hour of sleep last night...
lol, yup, it is. Tastes good too.
and I agree, taste quite good.
do you have MSN or Yahoo messenger? I'd love to talk to you, you sound really cool!
MSN: dragonfire6x1@msn.com
Yahoo: forestfairy3625
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