Sorry its been so long!

Aug 07, 2006 04:44

Title: Praying For Death From A Dark Angel
Author: Me
Paring: Vam
Rating: undecided
Warnings: angst and such
Disclaimer: Don’t own, don’t sue

Prologue / Chapter One / Chapter Two / Chapter Three

Chapter Four

They arrived at the restaurant and both grabbed hoodies out of the Hummer. They slid them on quickly, hoping they wouldn’t be noticed. They walked into the restaurant and ordered, then took a seat in one of the far corners, where there was no one sitting. They leaned down keeping their faces covered, just whispering a small conversation.

“Ville what do you really think is wrong with you? I mean.. What happened the night you came to my house? I don’t think it was just getting mugged.” Bam said leaning in closer to the Finn.

Ville sighed and finally decided he would tell Bam what had really happened. “I don’t remember much… But when I got off the plane I caught a cab, but when I got in I realized that I had no idea the directions to your place because you always pick me up from the airport. So I talked to the driver and we thought we had it figured out. When we stopped I didn’t really look out, I just guessed we were at the right place. So I gave him the money and got out, and that’s when I noticed that it was no where near Castle Bam. I started walking since the cab had already drove off, and then suddenly I was hit from behind and told to stay quiet. You know me, I usually don’t, but I decided then would be a smart time… Next thing I knew he was pulling me behind a house an-“

“You’re food? Urm… A steak and a chicken platter.” Ville took the steak from her and Bam took the chicken, smiling at the waitress.

“And?” Bam urged on, slowly cutting into his chicken. He looked up to see Ville picking up his steak with his fork whole, and taking a large bite out of it. He cringed when he saw a small trickle of what looked like blood trailing down Ville’s chin. Ville looked happy though, and to Bam that’s what mattered.

“Oh sorry… Yeah well and this guy just… I don’t really remember much, he just.. BIT me and then I blacked out. I woke up a few minutes later and felt the marks on my neck, but I ignored them and got up walking to try and find your house. Luckily it wasn’t too far off.” Ville said before he bit into his steak again.

“Ville take it slower, you haven’t had meat in what? Years? Take it slower please, I don’t want you getting sick and hurling in my Hummer.” Bam said giving Ville an odd look. “And about all that, I have no idea what to say man… I mean it sounds fucked up. Really fucked up. Could he have drugged you or something? Like injected you and that’s what making you like this?” Bam questioned, more to himself than Ville.

“Like wha?” Ville asked, his mouth full of steak.

Bam cringed again and looked away shrugging. “Finish you steak so we can go please.” He said taking a few more bites of his chicken before ushering the waitress over for the check.

Ville knew that something in him had changed, he felt different, he felt animalistic almost and that scared him. He didn’t know how to react to his new feelings, He didn’t know if he could really even call it feelings, because nothing felt right or normal. Nothing he felt, felt human except one thing. His love for his best friend, but there was something else there too, something that was scaring Ville more than his no feelings, it was the other way he wanted Bam. He had always lusted for the skater, but this lust was new, this lust was better, this lust was for blood.

A/N: So yeah, it sucked ass… sorry. I promise I’ll try and write more on other stuff soon, it’s just so much has been happening lately, and I’ve been having to get ready for school starting back and all… but I will try to keep these updated! *hugs and Vam cookies for all*

pfdfada, vam

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