Murder Malady

Jan 26, 2025 10:02

I finished Murder Malady yesterday. In this latest addition to the Carol Reed series, Carol gets contacted by an acquaintance named Immodia who revealed that her mother had gone to prison for killing her father many years ago, and her mother had recently got in touch with her. She wants Carol to reveal the secrets of her past that she could never make sense of. So, Carol follows the trail of Immodia's parents old homes and haunts, and the notes they sent to each other. I will say I wasn't surprised by the reveal in the end. It made sense, and I had some inkling it was something like that. Although I did guess wrong about the culprit. While yes, this story was about the events that led up to a murder, it wasn't a murder that just happened. I miss the days when it was about a current murder. But anyway, this entry to the series was enjoyable. Not too difficult this time. When I did look up a hint, most of the time it was to look up where I should go. When there are quite a few locations, it gets tedious to visit every place to look for something new. But as always, the places in Sweden are beautiful. It's also interesting that the developer wanted to shine a light on mink farming and how Sweden has yet to ban it. Here's a screenshot. This was at Immodia's parents' house.

Now I've started Dustborn, which is a game from Ragnar Tornquist. This is following on some new release games I want to play that I didn't get around to last year. I don't know if Tornquist is the creator and developer or if it's just developed by Red Thread Games with his involvement. Anyway, it's a game that generated a lot of controversy online. I saw those comments on YouTube when the trailer came out. They rant about its “wokeness,” which I continue to roll my eyes at and really don't care. I haven't played enough to really have an opinion on it, but it seems fine. It's a near future sci-fi set in an authoritarian technocracy, which sounds eerily familiar unfortunately. And the characters have super powers. I'll speak more on it later, which probably won't be for a while because I think it's kind of a long game.

adventure games

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