I finished Quarantine Diary. The first and maybe only? Carol Reed game set during the pandemic. Only a couple of the characters were actually wearing masks. The pandemic doesn't seem to scare Carol one bit as she's still determined and able to do her job as a private investigator. In this one she is contacted by a woman named Jonna who she worked on a case with before. I certainly don't remember it or her though. Jonna tells her her son has gone missing and asks Carol to find him. There is a lot of skateboarding involved. You visit a lot of places as usual, but the vast majority of them are skate parks. I had no idea Sweden had that many skate parks. Maybe the lack of more interesting places to visit has something to do with the lockdown, maybe not. I'm honestly surprised they were able to make a game in the first place. The son was playing some kind of game and following the clues and so of course we retrace his steps. The ending is incredibly f*cked up and admittedly I'm still left confused about a few details. There was no knocking out the "villain" with an object to escape this time. You just talk to them. It was like "OK, that was less dramatic than I was expecting." I didn't really get lost in any location this time except maybe Carol Reed's own house. You'd think I'd know it by now. I did get annoyed a few times while trying to solve the puzzles, but I've never been super good at these games. The puzzles are not all that hard, so I don't know why. My very favorite scene in this one though was when Jonas asked Carol to get an extra mask for him. So she finds one on the ground in another location and gives it to him. OMG ROFLMAO. NO! Like, "Here you go. This one's not dirty at all." I couldn't believe it. Dead. It was kind of surreal to be playing a game actually set during the pandemic. I still liked it, although it wasn't very exciting and the plot was pretty simple this time around. And if you've played the other Carol Reed games you know exactly what you're getting with these games. Here's a screenshot. The Skate Hall. One of the numerous skate parks you visit.
Next I'm playing Beyond Blue. It's a deep sea diving casual experience where you get to research and interact with sea life. Maybe it's the game I wanted Abzu to be because I couldn't figure out the controls of that one for the life of me. The controls on this one are easier. I'm having a serious issue with the motion blur though, so hopefully I can tweak the settings to fix it, but I'm liking it so far even though I've only played a little of the tutorial.