So I played through episode 3 of Life is Strange 2, which is called Wastelands. This episode really pissed me off and made me extremely annoyed. I was not happy with this episode at all. Any inkling of likeability Daniel had left just became demolished. There also didn't seem to be much that happened in this episode until the end, so I may just touch on the highlights or rather lowlights of this episode.
So first we learn a little bit from Sean's journal that they had made some money on a farm until they got kicked out, and then they ran into Cassidy and Finn again and joined their group. There are a number of characters here, but Finn and Cassidy are really the important ones. They all camp out in the middle of the woods in Humboldt County. Everyone pulls their weight around camp and every morning they're taken by truck by a man named Big Joe to this pot farm to work. A guy named Merrill runs the place. Keeping in mind this is at a time when Marijuana wasn't legalized yet. They even let the nine year old Daniel work too. And so we have a pot bud trimming mini game. Everyone's complaining all the while about the hard labor. I don't know. It didn't seem that hard to me. Everything's going good. BTW, Sean and Daniel have apparently made over $1000, so that's good. They're trying to save up for their trip to Puerto Lobos.
Back at camp again Daniel wants to train with Sean, so we go to a secret spot by the lake. Everything's going great until Daniel gets whiny and mad about how Sean is spending so much time with the others, especially Cassidy. I mean it's sort of typical young kid stuff. He's jealous and needs the attention, but this kid happens to have super powers and now his rage is starting to scare me. Also this seems to be the last time Daniel ever decides to listen to Sean, which means we're completely fucked. I'm starting to think I really should just leave Daniel on the side of the road and be gone. And so it begins. Daniel ruins everything again. The next day at work, Merrill calls everyone in and we tell Daniel to stay outside, but does he? No. Merrill just for no reason whatsoever decides he's not going to pay anybody that day. Literally no reason I can think of except he's mad at Sean and Daniel. And the situation becomes worse when Daniel is caught snooping in the office. They thought he was about to steal shit. Merrill and Big Joe are about to teach him a lesson when he decides to use his power with no fucks given. I mean it was kind of in self defense, but still. He flings a bowl or something at Big Joe's head. Joe turns around demanding who did that. I have Sean take the fall for Daniel and he gets punched in the face. And of course more people know about Daniel's power now.
What happens next is weird because suddenly we're back at camp again at night. What happened between the punch and that? Unfortunately this means we can't stay anymore since we're fired and need the money. Finn has this plan though that we would break into the farm and steal money from Merrill's safe so we'd have enough to get to Mexico. I immediately shut that down and shut him down again later when he asks a second time. Well, I think maybe I should make the most of what time we have left and spend some time with Cassidy. I turn her down on the tattoo thing, but I'm OK with skinny dipping, kissing, and having sex. Yep. Welp. Oh and before all this drama started, Finn had given Sean an ugly haircut. I regret that decision lol. So maybe this wasn't the best idea because while Sean and Cassidy were getting busy, Finn and Daniel took off presumably to go rob the safe. God damn it. See my choices don't matter at all! We have to go after them. Man if only I had found the key first before slashing the car tires, I could have minimized my criminality. If we weren't going to eventually get arrested before, we certainly will now. And that's not the end of it, oh no.
We find Finn and Daniel about to do the thing. Again Finn asks a third time. Again I say no. Only this time Daniel is here and he doesn't give a damn and it's his power and he'll do what he wants with it. You. Idiot. Child! He blows open the door which of course wakes Merrill and he's got his rifle ready to blow everyone's head off. He knew exactly what we were trying to do and first he singles out Finn. Looks like he's ready to kill him and tells everyone to get on their knees. Honestly, I'm not sure what he was going to do, shoot us, or call the police (nah he can't really do that because he's running an illegal pot farm, so it's probably the first thing). Daniel looks to Sean. He's ready to use his power again. I say no. Daniel refuses to listen though. See how much my choices matter here? He unleashes his full power knocking everyone down in the way. Final shot shows everyone on the floor. It looked like everyone may have died, even Sean. Man would that be ever dark. However, looking at my choices at the end it shows that Finn and Cassidy are alive, but injured. It didn't say anything about Sean, but he is shown in the tease for episode four I think, so he's probably alive. I'm guessing Merrill is probably dead because I'm sure that's who Daniel targeted. That would make another person he killed. See what happens when you don't listen you stupid shit! He wasn't in the room either, so maybe he took off. Maybe he and Daniel will be separated in the next episode, which is fine by me because I'm so done with Daniel. I don't want to make anymore excuses for his behavior. They're inexcusable. Can't Sean just leave him behind? I know he never will though.
So yeah, I had strong feelings for this episode and not good ones. I'm not happy with where this is going at all. It's not like things were ever going to turn out happily for these two boys, but still you can create drama without going in stupid directions. I guess I can only blame it on their young ages. That's all I got for an explanation for dumb writing choices. I guess another four months for episode four. I'm just so annoyed. I don't know if this game can redeem itself for me. You trying to make me really hate Daniel game? Because it's working. I guess I'll give you a screenshot though. Well, basically this is the moment where Daniel turns into Darth Vader.
Back to The Clockwork Man now for me.