Jul 29, 2015 11:33
I'm a bit delayed in giving some of these updates, but it is what it is. We celebrated my dad's birthday early this year. His real birthday is this Friday, but we had a picnic in the park on Sunday at Grammy's park. I pretty much enjoyed myself and I'm sure my dad did, but it wasn't the greatest in my mom's opinion. First of all we went to order Subway sandwiches for everyone. My aunt, uncle, Kourtnei, and my brother, as well as Grammy of course were to show up. We had eight orders of sandwiches to get. The ladies at the Subway seemed to barely speak English. It took a while, but finally we got the sandwiches. We had gathered all our stuff up in the car and drove to the park (you can walk, but carrying all that stuff, no). My mom also brought a fruit platter (which was surprisingly good quality), bags of chips and cupcakes. Just a note, this was for dinner. We had the party in the evening. It would have been too hot otherwise. My mom brought some sports equipment too like a basketball and another kit which contained a volley ball and net, badminton rackets and shuttlecocks, and I'm not sure what else was in there. She also brought tennis rackets and balls. She fully intended everyone to get involved with playing the games.
The thing is, Jennie isn't into playing games of any kind, sports, cards, or board games. You name it, she's not into it. For some reason my mom thought this time would be different. I don't know why she thought that, but she's wrong. Actually Jennie did mention a game called ladder ball on the phone to my mom, but it was a last minute mention so my mom didn't have time to buy it. Maybe if Jennie had mentioned it sooner, my mom could have bought it in time and Jennie would have played. Now Doug on the other hand will play anything, but he decided to just sit things out with my aunt, which is unfortunate. So a large majority of the time they were just sitting at the tables talking and doing nothing while everyone else was playing some kind of game. Jennie wasn't thrilled with the Subway sandwiches either, saying "It doesn't matter what it is, it all tastes the same...but it's food." *shrugs*
Before eating, my mom and my brother and his wife went to shoot some hoops while everyone watched. Then after having the food, my dad had to do a conference call to China (They're working him to death I tell you. He wants to quit his job really bad). So, my mom suggested that Grammy and I play some badminton even though we had no net. It seemed kind of pointless and we were both terrible at hitting the ball at each other, but it was good exercise. My mom went to play tennis with my brother and his wife. It was during this time that my aunt and uncle just sat alone at the table doing nothing and talking. After the badminton, Grammy and I started taking a walk around the park. They had these new exercise machines set up that I had never seen before, so I got to try those out. When we got about half way though I heard my mom calling us back. I assumed it was present opening time and I was right. My mom was the only one who got my dad presents, whereas everyone else got cards. My dad was fine with it, but again my mom wasn't so much lol.
Soon after that, Jennie and Doug left and my mom, my dad, Grammy and I went for a walk around the park trying the exercise machines again. There were a couple of ladies at one of them. My mom wanted me to try out the machine and I got on feeling embarrassed everyone was watching. I couldn't lift my own weight anyway. Then one of the ladies there was pretty rude and said, "If you don't mind, I need to do my exercises," or something like that. She acted as if these were her own exercise machines, not for the public to use, just for her *rolls eyes*. My mom wanted to play tennis again after that, but the court was taken, so we went home. Grammy practically made her exit with no goodbyes as she didn't want to run into her neighbor J.J. who has been annoying her for some time now, but that's another story for another day perhaps.
So, that was that day. I also last week had to do my blood test like I mentioned before where I had to take a pill the night before and do the test the next day. Well, I was kind of nervous about trying this drug because I didn't know what effect it might have on me. It was a steroid after all. The morning after I took it, I woke up feeling like I was running on adrenalin, so perhaps it was doing something to me. But maybe that was a good sign, that it was supressing the Cortisol like it's supposed to. I was a bundle of nerves, but it was made worse when I had to wait quite a while before I was called back for the blood test. I had to do it before a certain time and it was cutting things close. My last blood test was like that as well, so next time we better make an appointment rather than do the walk in thing. It's too much of a risk. I did get in on time though, both times. If I hadn't, I probably would have to do it again and I really didn't want to go through that again.
Then on Monday I got a call from the doctor's office about my test results, asking me to call them back. They got those results fast. I don't like that my endo has been having me call lately. I hate the phone. I managed to do it, but then promptly had an anxiety attack afterward >_> I wish I could be more open about my issues, not that they would be taken seriously. Anyway, my results were normal so I don't have Cushing's Syndrome. I never thought I did, so I don't know why this test was ordered. Actually, I know because my ACTH? DHEA? was high, but it must be due to something else then. My guess is anxiety to be perfectly honest because I know it can affect those hormones. It's a relief I don't have deal with another health problem so far though. I don't know why my endo doc couldn't have waited to discuss the results during my appointment next month. It's such a pain to have to do it over the phone. I still have that appointment I'm assuming, so, maybe he's trying to save time or something. I don't know.
Now, about games...I'm still in an adventure game slump right now, however that could all change. This new King's Quest game came out and it looks great. I want to play it, but I also want to wait first. I kind of want to see how Adventure Gamers rates it. I've been so picky right now and I want to make sure it's not something I will end up disliking. I just don't know what's wrong with me. My frustration tolerance is pretty much zero, but I've been enjoying the causal games. I just started a new one up called: Surface 2. It's got an interesting concept to it. You're a psychic going into a girl's mind trying to uncover some secrets to solve this case and heal her symptoms. After that, then maybe just maybe I'll play the King's Quest game, but not before then (still enjoy TellTale and Dreamfall Chapters though of course, so I'll always be playing those).
adventure games,