Jul 05, 2015 12:07
So the 4th of July was pretty uneventful, but it usually is. I don't do fireworks, but we did go see Terminator Genisys. I thought it would be crowded at the theater, but it really wasn't. The movie was all right. Not horrible, but not great either, just an unnecessary sequel. After the movie we stopped at the store to pick up some steaks and other stuff. Then I spent most of the rest of my time on the computer like I always do. Even though I was inside, fireworks were still triggering my anxiety. Ironically, Luke doesn't seem too bothered by them.
So, I was thinking of starting to watch Doctor Who, and I do mean the new series not the old one. That does mean I would put Deep Space Nine on hold...again, but I don't know for how long. I may not watch the entire series in one go. I know the episodes are up on Netflix, but I don't think all of them are, so I would probably hunt down the rest online. Of course deep down I don't really want to stop watching DS9 to watch Doctor Who (at season 3, that show has finally gotten good), but sometimes I get in that "have to watch it now" mood like I did with Breaking Bad and I feel like I'm the only person left who hasn't seen it, so...I want to see what I'm missing out on. Also I'll come out and admit that a big part of the reason is there's references in the My Little Pony fandom, and they would be lost on me. Plus I've also been dreaming about it, like my dreams are telling me to watch it.
I'm still going to be watching Pokemon of course. I think I'll always have one anime/cartoon show and one live action show going on online that I watch. Of course, I do put those on hold when a new Netflix show comes out like Daredevil and Sense8 or a new season like Orange is the New Black, and then I resume my regular routine. I don't usually drift away from it unless I feel the calling to, like for Doctor Who. So, that and Pokemon will be my new show routine after I finish my current season (3) of DS9, which will actually be pretty soon because I only have a few episodes left in that season.
But now how do I choose between the two shows, which one I will watch on a particular day? Well, here's where my system comes in. I use a random number generator to pick which show I will watch that day. I know, it's crazy, but it adds a fun surprise to my day, and it works for me.
Now I do know some things about Doctor Who already, and I've seen a couple clips, but nothing spoilery. I do know that they get a new actor to play "The Doctor" every season or so I think? But I could be wrong about the frequency. I know that the Tardis is that time traveling police box thing and I know that the Daleks are those evil robot things. But really that's about all I know about the show. I don't know too much about the plot. Hopefully I enjoy it. I think it will be fun, but if it turns out I don't like it...oh well. I guess it would be one less series I have to worry about keeping track of. I'm pretty sure I will like it though because I love sci-fi and time travel stuff, even if the latter often does my head in. So, in the coming weeks I will get to know what it's like to be a Whovian.
doctor who,
4th of july