Yesterday I finished the second episode, or should I say second half of Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse because that's really what it was. Overall I really enjoyed it. I can't get over how pretty the graphics are to look at. Enjoyed the return of Rolf Saxon as George again. It had been a while between the two episodes, and that gap of time left me forgetting details of what happened in the first episode. All I really remembered was some religious conspiracy, a Gnostic hating priest and now I was in Spain trying to track down the Tabula Veritatis, a source of great power and it being in the wrong hands could mean the end of the world. Cliches maybe, but that's Broken Sword's style.
This episode brought back the return of the goat from the first Broken Sword game. You see the goat twice actually. It was a great humorous nod and at least this time it was easier to deal with, but still nasty towards George. I'm beginning to suspect that George feels the same way about goats, that Guybrush does about porcelain. Perhaps they both need some therapy. Here's the two goats. Which looks meaner?
First one looks more menacing to me. Anyway, I also thought the puzzles in this game were good, with the exception of one. The music puzzle. Why? You can't solve this particular puzzle unless you know how to read music notes, and I don't. How is that fair? The built-in hint system didn't help me there either. Unfortunately I had to look up the order I had to hit these notes because I sure as hell would never know what they were otherwise. I would be doing trial-and-error forever and I didn't want to do that. So, I cheated. That was really my only gripe about the puzzles. For the most part it was very satisfying when I would figure something out because you're trying to uncover mysteries in this game and that's fun.
The story was pretty good although probably not better than the first two games. I still regard those as the best. But this game came really close to matching them. I did think the ending was kind of cheesy, but then so is Broken Sword 3, or so I hear, since I never finished that one. I kind of like to pretend the third and fourth games don't exist. They're not bad games story wise, but gameplay and puzzle wise, they are really not my cup of tea.
Also why did it take five games for George and Nico to admit their feelings for each other? I don't know how much time span there was between games, but they should have started at least dating a long time ago lol. If they make another game, I want to see their wedding :P
That was another thing, for once a game doesn't end on a cliffhanger. Every thing ties up nicely. There's no need for another game in the series, but of course they could always make another one and I would be happy if they did because I really love this series and always had a crush on George lol. He's always been one of my favorite adventure game characters. Great sense of humor. The end credits were way too long because they had to list all the names of the Kickstarter backers. I couldn't stand to sit through them any longer, so if there was something I missed at the end, oh well...
Without further ado, here is my gameplay video. It's part two of "all" the Trevor the cockroach scenes. I put "all" in quotes because I didn't include scenes that were uninteresting. So here it is
Click to view
Next up is another cartoony adventure called Torin's Passage. It's an old Sierra game I've never played before and I'm looking forward to it. I had a hell of a time getting it to work, but now that it is, hopefully I won't run into any problems, bugs, ect. It will just be for today though because tomorrow the fourth episode of The Wolf Among Us comes out. Sooner than I thought heh. Then I'll get back to Torin immediately after.