So, the wedding was eh...not too fun. It was a lot of standing around and not really knowing anybody. It was still nice to see my friend though. I don't remember when the last time was that I saw her. And the few people I did know from the past all grew up. It's so weird to see that. Especially my friend's youngest sister. She's no longer a little girl as I was used to seeing her.
Also I went on a book haul yesterday and got these books
And I received The Emerald Storm by Michael J. Sullivan in the mail. 4th book of the Riyria Revelations. Each book continues to get better and better.
I was also eyeing this book that had letters women from history had written over the years. I thought it looked really interesting. I was awful tempted to get it, but instead I just decided to show it to my mom. She wound up buying it as a gift for Mother's Day for Grammy. :P And she also got another book about the lies they tell you in school. Also for Grammy because she used to be a teacher. I'd love to read both of those, so I'll have to borrow them off her one day.