Yesterday the impossible happened. I got two bits of news that left me stunned. First was Telltale just announced that they are continuing the Monkey Island franchise in their new episodic series Tales of Monkey Island. I thought it was a joke, but finding out it was available for pre-order and is going to come out as soon as July 7th. I thought I was dreaming. I still wonder if I am. I thought I would never see a continuation of this series in my lifetime. This is possibly the best news I've ever heard. There are no words for how excited this makes me. I was literally euphoric all day yesterday and couldn't concentrate on anything else. I still can't believe it, but anyway here's the scoop
Tales of Monkey Island is an episodic series (5 episodes) of the new adventures of Guybrush Threepwood. Returning also are LeChuck and Elaine Marley. Telltale is also collaborating with LucasArts on this, which is pretty freaking unbelievable. Those working on this include, but are not limited to: Ron Gilbert (creator of Monkey Island, more of a consultant on this project), Michael Land (composer of the previous four Monkey Island games), and Dominic Armato (voice of Guybrush). So basically quite a few people who were involved on the first game are working on this one. I'm most happy that Dominic Armato has returned because he IS Guybrush Threepwood.
So of course I have pre-ordered this game, and because I did that I also got a coupon for a free episode of any of Telltale's games. I might use it for Bone because I haven't played any of those. Also I will get the collectors edition of the dvd that will be released after all the episodes are out. This collector's edition will be hand painted by Steve Purcell himself (He's the creator of Sam and Max, and did the box art for The Secret of Monkey Island.) I also get to visit a special private pirate club on Telltale's forums. I probably won't post anything, just lurk, but Dominic Armato will be there taking questions, which is really cool.
This was announced at this year's E3, and I think it's the best news from E3 ever, and also the best news in the history of adventure gaming. It's like a dream come true.
Now, the second bit of good news is that LucasArts also announced they're making a new special edition of The Secret of Monkey Island and updating it with new graphics in HD. This is pretty darn awesome too, in of itself.
God I'm so happy LucasArts has finally seen the light, and one can only hope that this can only mean good news in their future. I sincerely hope this means they might start making adventure games again.
Now onto some links about Tales of Monkey Island and The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition
Tales of Monkey Island trailer. Guybrush says Boo-Yah! :D
Click to view
A "behind the scenes" look at The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition
Click to view
Adventure Gamers' preview of Tales of Monkey Island,1024 What gets me though is that people are already starting to complain about this game (Tales I mean) and it's not even out yet! Mostly they don't like the graphics, wish it was 2D, or are not happy that it's going to be a direct control game and not point and click. They've looked forward to a new Monkey Island all this time, and when they first hear about a new Monkey Island, they start complaining? :S
Well I'm just happy to see anything new on Monkey Island at all, and couldn't care less about graphics or controls, as long as the story, characters, and great humor is there, who cares?