So, I saw X-Men Origins: Wolverine the other day. It was good fun and better than I expected. Only now I want a sequel called X-Men Origins: Wolverine and Gambit Kick Ass!. :P
I went to the bookstore yesterday. I picked a random Philip K. Dick book, and surprise I got A Scanner Darkly. I've got the movie cover edition. Normally having books with a movie cover is a big pet peeve of mine, but when that's all that's available sometimes you have no choice. I've seen the movie, but just thought it was ok. I don't care for that style of animation really. I'm sure I'll like the book better. I also got Iron Sunrise by Charles Stross. It's the sequel to Singularity Sky. Finally, I got 1984 by George Orwell. Never read this classic. I also took a look to see what sci-fi Borders really carries and it's true it's not that much. I think the only reason they don't carry classic science fiction is because it's dominated by the fantasy genre. A few years ago I remember there was a more even balance, so things have changed. Maybe it's due to fantasy movies becoming blockbusters like LOTR and Harry Potter, so they're stocking more fantasy books. They've become more popular and science fiction has been left in the dust. Although judging by this year, which has a lot of science fiction movies coming out, maybe that will soon change. I think possibly the new Star Trek movie might make science fiction cool again. Time will tell.
Now here's a new scene from episode two of Wallace and Gromit's Grand Adventures
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