Hellboy II, Journey to the Center of the Earth, and The Time Traveler's Wife

Jul 14, 2008 14:53

We saw both Hellboy II and Journey to the Center of the Earth this weekend. Hellboy II was a blast, even better than the first. It was highly entertaining. Journey to the Center of the Earth was pretty good too, although it won't win any awards in believability. I'd say it's worth it, if only to see it in 3D, which we did. I'm glad that at least they gave respect to the novel.

After reading 300 pages of Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell I had to set it aside. Maybe not permanently, it's just on the back burner. I do like it though. I just need a break from it and other books are enticing me such as The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenger (a really hard name to spell). This one is a little confusing at times, but time travel will do that. I feel that I'll never fully understand time travel, paradoxes and all because then my head would probably explode. So, it's best not to try to understand it. It is very fast paced and interesting.

I got my flaming max hat today. Woot!

I'm feeling stoned without being stoned right now (I otherwise don't know how to describe it because I've never been stoned.)I felt that way last night too. I've also been feeling sleepy all the time. I don't know why that is because I don't stay up as late as I used to. I don't know what is going on with me now. My body and mind like to continue to puzzle me.

confusion, health, sam and max, movies, books

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