I have my first class tonight, which is Primate Behavior. I'm terrified of school now. I haven't been on campus for a year and I know I will be drowning in course work. Last semester completely screwed me up mentally (I haven't been the same since.) I fear what this semester will bring. It's either do or die now.
I joined this forum called Stuck in a Doorway.
http://forums.stuckinadoorway.org/index.php It's for OCD, I never really thought of myself as having OCD and I'm not so sure I really do, but I can really relate to the Pure-O form of OCD. That is Obsessions, but not compulsions, or anyway the compulsions take place in your mind. So I mainly post in the Pure-O section. I never knew that certain thoughts I had could be related to OCD. The people there are very nice and supportive and try to help each other out. I kind of like trying to help out there too. If anything I could at least do that. They also have threads on there for Asperger's, self-harm, anxiety, and depression, but they're not as active.