my health.

Jan 27, 2010 10:34

so there's a problem I've had for years and years and...wait, no - my whole life. It gets really bad some times, and not so bad other times. It got really, really bad this past fall - bad enough that some days, I couldn't pick things up, and could barely walk. I'd get up anyway and try, because that's the "LaMere way," but...(my grandfather did work his farm right up until he died of cancer and old age, after all).

Anyway, there's a very strong drug that drastically alters the biochemistry inside the brain, and 1 of 2 things happened when I started taking it. Either:
1) my problem swung down to "not so bad" really rapidly as merely a coincidence, or
2) the drug did it.
3) a couple other potentials, all of which seem only vaguely possible, but all at once...maybe?

I don't necessarily want to have to take this drug the rest of my life - there are various consequences, especially with long-term use. Mixed emotions. I'd really like to be able to play a guitar for more than 5 minutes without extreme pain, though.

edit note: was very unfocused, forgetful - having discontinued the stratera/concerta/etc. So, I took a concerta this morning. Lots of twitching/spasms, and YAAY! I can lock my hands/feet/back again! Awesome. On the other hand, I got *easily* more done today as the previous 2 days.

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