Apr 05, 2004 22:14
Today I decided I would try to get my dirt bike running right again. So I went out there thinking it must not have enough spark. So I drain all the oil out of it because I'm gettin ready to tear it apart so I can check the gap on the flywheel. But before I did that I decided I should see if it doesnt have enough spark anyways. So I held it and checked it for spark and it shocked the hell out of my arm so it obviously has spark. And it had compression so the carb must be fucked up. But I couldnt start it and try to adjust it cuz I just took all the oil out. So I gotta wait til I get more oil to adjust it.
So only 3 more days of school until spring break. Ashley V. IM'ed me today and shes like I have a story to tell you. So I'm like ok. This was her story.......
AsHaBaSh2634: so me and erika were going to the mall like 2 hrs ago and when we were kinda ab to pull up to the mall, i saw this boy walking down the side of the road...and i was like omg that looks like billy wolfgang.....cuz he looked JUST like you it was sooooooo weird, like idk he just did...and i was like aww omg pull over and lets give him a ride cuz i feel bad that hes walking like down the side of the road and its cold out, and i was so positive it was you......and so we turn around and erika goes "hey boy.." and he turns around and his face was like deformed and he was like "wtf do u want" and we were like wtffffffffffffffff and we like drove off
AsHaBaSh2634: like no joke he looked just like u
AsHaBaSh2634: erika was like "ya that does look like him"
AsHaBaSh2634: i thought u were like stranded
AsHaBaSh2634: he was like what the fuckkkk bitches
AsHaBaSh2634: i was like omg
LoL. Awesome story....although she thinks I look like a deformed kid. lol. Ummmm I think thats all I have to say. Peace.