Dec 29, 2009 00:59
Im so stressed out. I don't think im being irrational. I think its completely reasonable to want to know what's going on so that we can move forward with our plans. And I DO think that he is being unfair. And I DO think he is being disrespectful. And I DO think that he is not being a good friend. He's pulling the "you should be happy for me" bs....yes. I am happy for you. But if we meant ANYTHING to you, you would keep your fucking word instead ofkeeping us in limbo until you figure out your shit that you've been planning for 6 months even though we've been planning for a YEAR. But I can't say anything anymore. Or else im being "irrational" and a "bridezilla." FUCK THAT. If one of my girls tried to do this shit they would be out of the wedding party and not invited. Oh, but wait....none of my girls would do this to me.
Oh, and can money please fall into my lap? Please, and thank you.