hello kitty

Aug 14, 2008 16:48


I've neglected you. Not my artist LJ I guess... but my ME LJ.

So much has happened that I can't bare to type it all out. It'll suck my soul dry.

So lets fast forward to now. What's going on now.

I wonder what your take is on this ..

My daughter is now 11. Very tomboyish, not girly at all. But very sensitive.

For the past 4-5 months she's been greeting me when I come home like a cat. She is on all fours, comes up to me, rubs herself against my leg or rubs her face on mine (like a cat) and she meows on a regular basis. I dunno... I wasn't doing that at 11. I was gabbing on the phone to my friends (which she never even asks to do) and going over to their houses to hang out (which she also doesn't do). This cat thing is ODD. It makes me feel uncomfortable, and I don't think it's the behaviour an 11 year old should be displaying. But maybe that's because she hasn't transitioned into that pre-teen/teenager BFF stage yet.

I asked her why she does it, and she just says she likes to ... but I think it's deeper than that. I wonder if because she knows I like cats, that acting like one will please me? I wonder if she's reverting back to more childlike behaviour because while she doesn't want to be viewed/treated like a little girl, she doesn't want to assume the responsibilities of a young adult/teenager. So she does this little kid, I'm a kitty thing so that I won't think she's mature enough to handle more responsibility.

Everyone knows in mama daz_meh's house, that we all pull our weight and mama don't take no MESS. so .. whether she wants to play kitty or not. I'll stop that with the quickness and tell her to get up and do some chores, and that that kitty behaviour is weird and to stop.

Perhaps she just wants more attention. She IS an only child. Maybe she feels that by acting like a little kitty will get her that attention she wants.

I dunno...

Is her behaviour normal? I'm concerned about her sensitivity. She's talked about feeling unimportant so often, like other kids are more important than her to her teachers or camp councillors. I remember when her cousin used to come sleep over, she'd cry because she felt that I preferred her cousin to her. She'd say that I had more in common with her cousin and that I like her more.

I want to send her to talk to someone so I can get her emotions sorted out. Getting older and being so sensitive is going to get her hurt A LOT. It can be damaging to her. I'm so not like her. I have a "meh.. whatevs" to most things.. I mean.. I was in court for YOU KNOW WHAT .. and people were blown away that I wasn't a wreck every second of every day. Yes, I was dying inside, Yes, when I found myself alone, I'd drop to the floor, curl up in a ball, and sob uncontrollably, Yes I still have trouble dealing with it .. But I did my best to hide that from the world. I just deal differently with my problems. But she .. isn't the same. I worry about her.

It's gotta be because she's an only child, and so used to having individuals to herself, and for those individuals to put her as their #1 top priority and show her all the affections and attentions.. But she's getting older and encounters other kids and people that don't know her from Adam, and aren't going to hold her as their #1 top priority. This is the real world, and I hope that she can learn to deal with it. She has to be a soldier. Everything I've been through has made me stronger, and I hoped that I wouldn't pass on the weak me from my past, to her .. maybe it's in the blood. It could be that she's a taurus. It could be her numerology.

I'm tired of the could be's and she worries me. What to do?

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