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Feb 24, 2005 18:15

my wh0le day.. s0 i w0ke up and g0t dressed and went t0 mcd0nalds.. i 0rdered my fav the #5.. i ate then went t0 sch0ol.. and every0ne kept sayin my sh0es were tight.. i was like jeez they are n0t all that.. ugh! i w0uld take a picture but i can't find my dig cam.. lol.. yah then i went t0 my j0b after sch0ol and the h0megirl was there f0r an interview, s0 i just waited with her.. AND THIS fine ass puert0 rican was trying t0 talk t0 me.. uGH, he was there f0r an interview t0.. and i kept telling my manager t0 hire hem.. lma0, he was laughing.. s0 yeh we were ch0ppin it up.. he was talkin in spanish m0st of the time.. s0 sexy.. g0od thing i kn0w it.. but yeh he was really cute.n0 numbers because i have a babes.and im faithful.. ugh.. s0 then i said bye t0 hem and the h0meb0y.. and me and the h0megirl left and we came t0 my h0use, and ate, then she went h0me.. i talked t0 my babes, aw he sick.. he sh0uld stay his ass in the h0use.. but thats a dif st0ry 0n a dif day.. lol, s0 yah man! i wish i had my cam i w0uld have s0 many flicks..im g0in t0 go look this weekend.. um yah.. s0 thats really it, n0thing else imp0rtant.. maybe m0re later 2night.. hawlers..
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