Mar 06, 2005 18:53
yesterday went to choir, wasited my time, then went to sarah's. And i totally forgot if I already posted all of this. But anyways, we're almost done wiht our dance. And that's the good thing about haivng good students in your dance gorup. We just got it done. And it was relaly relaly fun. And then we just goofed aorund for a while. And then today I absically got bitten by the cleaning bug so I cleaned EVERYTHING except for the garage and my room, which is already clean, and my sister's room. And I didn't mow the lawn or edge anyhitng becuase then there would be no point in us haivng a gardener. And it was actually very very fun. And then the flippin vacuum cleaner broke and that was the last thing I ahd to do. So I'll just go get my sister's and vacuum. And tomorrow, the girls are most liekly coming over, I think. if not, I think I'm just gonna invite myself over to lanae's house. But we're dancing for stakeholder, we meaning charlotte, brittany, aleixs, jordan and I. SO it should be fun. Um, well I'm bored.ANd I did all of my chores, so I will get paid on wednesday, and I'vve decided what I'm going to spend the money on. if I get 120, I'm going to get these relaly cute billagong shorts, the long ones, and then the make-up for the show. Or rahte rlike 2 things of it i guess? Well Im off my little dove buddies. Season, have fun with your german, tlel ehr we say " WELCOME TO THE FUCKIN UNITED STATES OF FUCKIN MAERICA!" and I mena that in a nice way. So toodley doo children