I headed over to the Windy City to visit my BFF Jessica last weekend!
One of the things I discovered about myself this weekend is that toll roads stress me out. They stress me out because I have this habit of throwing anything I don't need right that second into the landfill that is my car's backseat. Including bags of change I save for whenever I have to drive to Chicago. I also imagine that all "city drivers" are like this:
..meaning, they are going to honk at me, which doesn't bode well when I need to be everyone's best friend, even people I will never see again.
N-E-U-R-O-S-I-S spells neurosis.
Anyway, I made it into the suburbs and went out with Jess and her friend Delbert, the first Delbert I've ever met. He lives on the first floor of Jessica's building, and they have that neighborly friendship that people only dream about. I don't even know my neighbors first names, and Delbert and Jessica feed each others' pets when the other one is on vacation. I need a Delbert.
The three of us headed into downtown Naperville and watched the cougars and dudes.
There are a lot of pictures of Jessica because I feel uncomfortable taking pictures of people I don't know very well until I start drinking.
We met up with Jessica's friend Scott and his friend Jay (Jay? I think it was Jay? Sorry, man.)
Also, a bunch of Bros.
Due to the high humidity, I allowed only this one picture to be taken of myself.
I had no idea who these people were, but I was convinced that they had an intense connection and would go home together that night.
"Hi, nice to meet you. I'm going to take a bunch of photos of you and put them on the internet, okay? Thanks."
More bros. In a charcoal filter because it was blurry.
It's getting close to puke time!
Yeah, I'm looking at you.
The end.
Coming up: More bros, more hos, as we take party to downtown Chi on Saturday night.