...Lindsay Lohan covers Stevie Nicks' Edge of Seventeen on her most recent album. I wish I could have known this earlier so as to have a much timelier laugh at it.
...My wisdom teeth are wreaking havok in my mouth. Getting smarter hurts! I have an appointment with my Lithuanian dentist tomorrow, and I fear that she will tell me to get them taken out. Everyone I know has had the wisdom-teeth-extraction experience already. It appears that I am a late-bloomer, dentally, even in my twenties. (I was the last kid in my first-grade class to have her first tooth fall out.)
...Dear Indiana,
Yes, the Colts won the Superbowl. This is not a reason to pre-empt Oprah.
Yes, we got some snow. [What?! Like, FOUR WHOLE INCHES?! First daylight savings and now this?] Also not a reason to pre-empt Oprah.
Love, Jenn.
...I know it's stupid for someone to pick a place to live on the basis of some websites, but:
American Cities That Best Fit You::70% Los Angeles60% Chicago55% San Diego55% San Francisco55% Washington, DC
Which American Cities Best Fit You? And from
TOP 24 Places I Should Live:
Hawaii : Honolulu
Arkansas: Little Rock
Nevada: Las Vegas
Virginia: Norfolk, Chesapeake-Virginia Beach
Texas: El Paso
Oregon: Portland
Washington: Seattle
South Carolina: Charleston
North Carolina: Charlotte
Georgia: Augusta
Ohio: Cincinnati
California: San Jose, San Diego, Orange County, Oakland, San Francisco
Oklahoma: Oklahoma City
Maryland: Baltimore
Florida: Jacksonville
New Mexico: Albequerque
Tennesee: Knoxville, Nashville
Arizona: Phoenix
Perhaps it's the -2 degree mornings as I'm driving to work, but I've actually been thinking about California a lot, lately, and it's almost scary. Scary, because I've never been to California. There are always a slew of people in my life who are like "I"m moving out west!" and very few usually make it. I couldn't understand why there was a mystique to "the west," and now it's buzzing like a gnat in my ear.
I have relatives in Orange County and they've been tempting me with a visit for years, so I might see if I can manage it this summer. I called my mom this morning and offhandedly mentioned this, and it was probably the most awkward silence of all time -- she is scared to death that I will like it too much and want to move there. It was almost funny, the way she abruptly started talking about something else. She was very content with my moving to Indianapolis, mainly because Indianapolis is just a bigger Grand Rapids. Don't get me wrong, I like Indy, very much so. It's will also be cheaper than moving to, say, Chicago, and probably even cheaper than Bloomington, per-square-foot of living space. But I still have that restlessness, like the rest of my life is beginning and I want to start figuring out where I can live out the life I want.