Jan 02, 2005 22:32
Yes like I said in my other one I am lonely today. I don't know why, but I feel really lonely today. Everyone I was talking to on the internet left me like 20 minutes ago *even Chris :(* I am a pathetic person who has issues I know. I am also trying to figure out if I am going to do the baptismal classes at our church that are like next week. Part of me feels like I should do it, but I know or I feel that you shouldn't get baptised unless you have a good relationship with God and don't doubt anything. Right now I am struggling a little in everything. I am not sure why, because I know what is right and everything, but I am just struggling with keeping my faith strong and I feel that if I get baptised it could be like me saying I am going to be faithful and nondoubting and right now I just can't promise that with everything that is happening. gall This is going to be one boring letter, but I know that journaling helps me so I am going to keep going. Well ok I am not saying that I don't know what I was going to say. Oh I was going to say that I can tell when Christ is there because I can feel him and I feel safer and my life seems to flow better because I have him to help me. Somedays, which seems to be right now, I just get so caught up in everything that happens and I just try to do it all myself. When I do this I can tell that I get stressed a LOT easier and I feel that nothing is going right. Even when I start to listen to the wrong music for a while I can feel myself drifting. When I try to get back on the right path; I end up being there for a while but eventually I can feel myself drift again and its like a continuous circle. I don't know what I shoud do, I think all I can do right now is to think and pray and try to get everything figured out again. I am going to go cause I need to sleep and I need to just do some other stuff.