avatar: MUD

Oct 14, 2010 01:20

Title: Mud
Char/Pair: Sokka, Toph
Rating: K
Words: 173
Note: written for comment_fic prompt Toph/Sokka, rain means mud

Rain means Sokka's blue shirt sticks to his skin uncomfortably. Means his wolf tail stays plastered to his skull. Means he can't see more than a foot in front of him. Means he just wants to stay under a roof of some kind - any kind - until he dries out and the weather improves.

Rain means mud. Mud means Toph has more power than she should rightfully have, especially when Sokka is cowering under a tree.

She can see each raindrop make an indent on the earth and the large puddles they create. She can feel the difference between hard rock and rainsoaked mud. She smiles thinking of the possibilities.

Mud doesn't make great armor like pure rock does. But Toph sure enjoys covering Sokka in the substance, leaving him to wipe it from his eyes just so he can see.

"This really isn't fair," he mutters, as he tries to tread lightly. But no matter where Sokka runs, she can see that, too. "Some day I'll get you back."

"Doubt it," she responds.

challenge: comment_fic, avatar

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