Jul 25, 2005 22:07
Have a collection of LJ icons for LotR/HP icons cause im obsessed. Current sub-obsession: Ron/Hermione icons. Wish I had paint shop pro.
Rachel's birthday is today.
Anthony comes home tomorrow.
I turn 17 in 2 months and five days. Scary.
Worried about my doggie. She's not eating well and is always walking around and crying for no reason. :(
On the bright side, volunteering tomorrow and then three days of mentorship. Whoops, did I say bright side?
So many college tours/info not so much fun. There's no real "right" place for me.
I'm such a lazy and apathetic fat. {with a large vocabulary that i do not use often) Nothing really seemed to matter to me today.
Summer assignment update: 1/2 done with Psych (a lot!) & Stat. ~20 minutes left on government... one of the easiest study guides ever. Haven't started English... go me.
Extent of boredom. Hope you had fun reading.