Jul 06, 2010 16:36
But I'm posting it now:
Some highlights:
I got twenty interviews for my video project, which showed a wide range of opinions and critical analyses. And hearing about all the things people loved about fandom reminds me of all the things I love too, and makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.
I went to some great panels, including "The Psychology of Criminals," "Minorities as Villains," and "The Making of Doctor Who" (hosted by a series 1 writer!). The really great panels (that most of CONvergence has, there are some exceptions) understand that you need to structure it as a conversation, not as talking AT your audience, so even if there's disagreement you feel like your point has been heard and influenced the discourse.
I bought the most awesomely lovely pocketwatch in the dealers' room.
I wore my costume for two of the four days, and people actually recognized it as gender-switch Dr. Facilier and complimented me on it!
The Vaude-Villains Cabaret featured Poison Ivy and Cruella Deville burlesques, a Joker contortionist act, and dancing skeletons.
I finally saw the Sherlock Holmes movie.
I went to a panel called "Geek Dating 101," where I was hit upon by (gasp!) a non-creeper! We ended up hanging out a lot on Saturday, walking around and attending panels. It was nicely low key and low-pressure, just chilling with a convention friend who maybe I'd see around and maybe not.
I saw the actor who played Boba Fett, and one of the authors from Chicks Dig Time Lords, walking around.
You can actually survive, for free, on real food at CONvergence. In addition to the widely available candy, popcorn, soda pop, and cookies, there is also a coffee shop offering a wide variety of caffeinnated and noncaffeinated coffee and tea beverages (with about twenty different option for flavor shots), a smoothie room, a rice room (featuring a table with tons of different Asian spices and condiments), and a soup room with vegetarian and nonvegetarian options (and also milk). Both the soup and rice room also feature large bowls of fruit, and veggies with dipping sauce. Not to mention the surprise deliveries of pizza, bagels, Chinese food, and salads.
And most of all, the feeling of solidarity and freedom from censoring or self-censoring creative expression. You want to make a Klingon costume, dress in it, and compete in a bat'leth tournament? You want to write an NC-17 filk featuring the cast of SG-1 and Babylon Five, and perform it with vampire backup singers? You want to make steampunk puppets and film them having adventures in space? GO FOR IT!
fannish ramblings,
star trek,