About that.

May 09, 2007 13:39

I know. i never use this thing.
okay. So maybe I do sometimes. But whatever. I am currently in the library for Bio and I'm bored out of my fucking mind and pissed because I have to take a test and do video notes after school, when all I want to do is go home. but no. I have to wait until 5 o fucking clock for the bus. Ew.

So anyway. Spiderman 3 sucked. The Condemned sucked.

my allergies have gotten really bad over the past week but i get my medication again tomorrow maybe. Along with 2 other not so fun medications.
YAY. Not....it's ew.
very ew.

My interim pretty much sucks. I'm totally failing chem. like..48% and that's bad.
But whatever. it's only based on two tests that i failed and one homework.

I'm really tired. I'm always tired.
It's not a goods sign. Even when I don't stay up late a lot...I'll come home from school at 2:45 and crash and not wake up until the next morning. Which is extra bad because then I dont get any of my homework done and that just makes stuff worse.
Fuck that. (Shane...I am very very angry at you for picking Merchant of Venice)
I honestly don't have time to be memorizing any lines.
Tomorrow Is a joint GSA meeting that I'm debating on if I'm going or not.
I sort of want to go just to see my friends, but at the same time i really get sick of people in out GSA.
I dunno. I'm sick of everybody suddenly being total elitist pricks about everything. It's annoying as hell.
I'm pretty sure that I'm done with GSA.
I'm done with a lot of shit.

I finally start doing things right and I then i get shit because it's not fucking perfect. I'm sick of it.
I'm sick of this stress.
I'm sick of all of this buildup of pressure from every single person in my life. I just wish people would take a fucking step back.
Stop criticizing me and stop complimenting me.

Honestly I deal with half of the people in my life telling me that I'm a total fuck up. And then the other half telling me that I'm great.
I'm sick of it. I'm sick of people.
Honestly. I just want to get the fuck out of here.
I hate being here. I hate how every single thing is a temptation or a worry or a memory. Every single thing.

Well. I guess I should probably study for this test I have to take.
And prepare for this "talk" that mrs. Brennan wants top have with me.
Like..Honestly what the fuck. I hate when people try to get involved in my life. It's my life and I would like to run it by myself. I hate everybody poking and proding and offering their advice. I don't want attention. I don't want people to like me. I could fucking care less. I just want to be able to look at my own life and be able to say that I like what I have and I am proud of where I have gotten myself. Everybody else just makes it so damn complicated.

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